Sunday, August 23, 2015

We are proud sponsors and supporter's of kids athletics here in Lebanon, and that of course means we love supporting Pop Warner! The plant was given to Gateway Imprints (now owner and operator of Grava Graphics as well) who was at tonight's opening ceremonies supporting the kids as well. Thank you to everyone supporting Pop Warner and let's have a great season!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Dr. Dreibeblis from COMP-Northwest telling your Lebanon Optimists about the 5 keys to health and wellness: 1) Nutrition 2) Sleep 3) Hydration 4) Stress 5) Exercise. She gave us great insights on how to be at our best! Did you know that sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day is worse than smoking? We didn't!

We're also within 2 members of our goal of 100 members! Who's going to sign up and help us meet our goal and get the Lebanon Skate Park a $25,000 donation from Jim and Heather McDaniel?

City Manager Gary Marks using his weekly optimism spot to tell your Lebanon Optimists about all the great things happening for Lebanon. To name a few: refinancing Lebanon's bonds to save tax payers $1 million; the new expansions taking place at our hospital and our Advanced Transportation Technology Center; and the groundbreaking happening on the 25th for our new LBCC Healthcare Center!

It's a great time to be in Lebanon!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Please join us in welcoming our newest Lebanon Optimists Tonya Cairo, Beth Rauch, and returning member Adam Kirkpatrick! We're going to be at 95 members by the end of the week and Jim wants us at 100 by next week's meeting. We can do it!

Dr. John Mota from COMP-Northwest telling your Lebanon Optimists about the medical research they are conducting every day at Lebanon's medical school. They have even found ways to use microwaves to prevent wisdom teeth from growing. Amazing things are happening in our town!

It's getting dang near impossible to get everyone in one picture! We're so close to getting 100 members and we can't wait to get there and earn Jim's $25,000 donation to the Lebanon Skate Park. Come check out your Lebanon Optimists every Thursday at noon at the American Legion and see why we're the happ'n'st club in town!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Look how many people are catching the Optimism! Almost 40 members came to today's meeting. It's no secret why the Lebanon Optimists is the most happ'n'st club in town and the best Optimists Club in the nation!